Ivan Jones – Visit 8 January 2015

The Mighty little battler Ivan Jones former South Sydney half back from the 1960’s continues to defy the odds in his battle with illness.

Ivan was recently visited by long time friends from Souths, Henry Morris, President of Sydney Metro Men of League, Bob McMillan and John Marsh. Men of League Welfare Officers John Peard, Warren Thompson, and Alan Webb also called in to see Ivan.

We were informed by his wife Diane, and daughter Katrina, that Ivan really enjoys the visits from his old mates and we were fortunate enough to have a photo taken with Ivan in his backyard.

Photo left to right (back): John Peard, Ivan Jones, Bob McMillan, Diane Jones, John Marsh, Alan Webb
Front: Warren Thompson, grandson Ryan and Henry Morris.

Alan Webb
Welfare Officer, Sydney Metro.

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