Life membership is an honour bestowed on an individual Men of League Foundation member whose continuous, meritorious, loyal and outstanding service and contribution has a provided measurable benefit to the Foundation and its rugby league constituency over an extended period of time.
Honorary Life Membership is the highest recognition that can be awarded to a member in acknowledgement of exceptional service and contribution; it should be regarded as highly prestigious and not be awarded lightly.
Processes and Criteria
- Any financial member of MOLF can be nominated by any current financial member with the nomination seconded by at least one other financial member.
- Nominations are made in confidence, and should include the nominator’s reasons for putting forward the candidate demonstrating minimum service requirements and examples of how the candidate meets the Foundation’s objectives and criteria.
- Nominations should be a written document and signed by the nominating members and submitted to the Chief Executive Officer.
- Life Membership cannot be nominated by or supported by an immediate family member.
- Any nomination for Life Membership will be considered by the Board’s Finance, Audit and Risk Committee to further research the nomination and report back to the Board with a recommendation for consideration.
- In the event that the nominee is serving on the Board at the time of nomination, that person must be disqualified from any deliberation on the nomination.
- In the event that the committee believes the nomination is worthy of Life Membership a three-quarters Board majority is required to formalise the nomination.
- MOLF Board will present the nomination to the annual general for the final ratification of the nomination and awarding of Life Membership.
- Life Membership must be recorded in the Foundation’s official records.
- The granting of Life Membership and the recipient’s service to the Foundation should be publicised as appropriate.
Life Membership should not be considered as a competitive matter and nominees must be considered individually and on their personal attributes and achievements and not in comparison to others.
Granting Life Membership is a balancing exercise. Criteria are provided as guidance, but it is the overall contribution of the nominee that must be evaluated. There is necessarily some subjectivity in the granting of Life Membership, and nominees’ strengths against the various criteria will vary.
To assist with the nomination, some or all of the following criteria should be considered. For any of the relevant criteria the nominee should have demonstrated an exceptional contribution beyond the ordinary for an extended period of time, which has a measurable benefit to the Foundation, its membership and the men, women and children of the rugby league community who have been assisted in some measurable way.
- Length of active financial membership- a period of 10 years’ active membership is an indicator of a long-term commitment.
- Such criteria will relate to the quality of the service performed by the person under consideration.
- Persons may hold roles of limited tenure and yet perform outstanding meritorious service during their term of office. Under these circumstances other criteria should be used to determine whether the person is deserving of nomination for Life Membership.
- The nominee should be able to demonstrate a significant contribution to Foundation over a majority of those years of membership. This may include:
- significant contributions while holding positions on the National Board and/or a Regional Committee (bearing in mind that mere membership of such committees does not of its own mean a person has made significant contributions),
- making significant contributions in national roles such as Chair of a delegated committee
- participating to a much greater extent than the average member as a regular, consistent and reliable volunteer in a national and/or regional capacity.
- multiple active roles benefitting the Foundation’s constituency of the men, women and children of the rugby league community in necessitous circumstances over a long period of time.
- Represented the Foundation with distinction on regional committees, for example, on the executive or in wellbeing roles.
- Demonstrated attitude and demeanour that reflects dedication to the values of the Foundation
- Provided valued leadership and is considered a role model
Retractions of Honorary Life Membership
Retraction of Life Membership bestowment may occur where the recipient has conducted him/herself in a manner that reflects directly and adversely on the image or activities of the Foundation. This provision will only be exercised in exceptional circumstances and will require the full support of the Board. As part of the deliberation the ‘Honorary Life Member’ in question is to be given an opportunity to present his/her case for retention of his/her status.
Honorary Life Membership – Benefits
- Full membership for life with no fees.
- Free access to Foundation functions.
- A commemorative badge.
- Recognition on the Foundation Honour Board
- Any other items, events or documents that the Board of Directors and CEO deem appropriate.