The Men of League Foundation celebrates the NRL’s Women In League Round by saluting the contribution of the many women in its executive team, membership, committees and volunteer base. In addition to our other profiles on Penrith Committee volunteer, Lucy Richards and national board director and Deputy Chair of the Foundation, Helen Wood Grant, we now focus on Joan McDonald, Toowoomba Committee volunteer.
Joan assists with fundraising within the Toowoomba committee. She has been part of the committee for approximately 12 months and as her husband is unable to assist due to health restrictions, she loves giving back to the game on his and the families behalf.
Her husband, John, played rugby league for Australia, before turning his attention on the administrative side of the game, which allowed the family to travel and meet a number of now lifelong friends. It was through John that Joan became to love rugby league and connected with the Men of League Foundation for the work they do within the rugby league community.
Joan and her six children have continued to be involved with the great game of rugby league and she believes more women can get involved to help continue to spread the warmth and love, as well as a specific twist and different opinion on a matter of subjects. She believes women promoting women will allow more men to understand the unique roles which females have within the game.