Update on Bernie Seymour

Bernie was transferred to the Rehab Unit in Mona Vale Hospital from Manly Hospital around 7th March.

Norm, Fred and Ken from Northern Sydney Committee visited Mona Vale on the 15 March 2016 to be told that Bernie had been transferred to the RNS Hospital a few days before for treatment. No further details were given. They  later spoke with Bernie’s daughter Michele Roche, who told them that her Father has a septic blood disorder and was sent to RNS for treatment and he was expected to be there for a week or so.

Norm, Fred and Ken visited Bernie on 16 March at RNS and saw Michele and her son Bryce, and Bernie. Bernie was pleased to see them. His speak was still not lengthy and he was visited by a Speech Therapist during the visit. Michele has advised that she and the family are getting frustrated by not being able to see anyone in authority, who could tell them what was really going on with her Dad in general.

Once again Michele was thankful for Men of League’s visit to Bernie.

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